Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package (31 ms)
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
This value set includes codes based on the following rules:
Additional Language Displays
Code | Deutsch (Schweiz) (German (Switzerland), de) | English (United States) (English (United States), en) | French (Switzerland) (fr) | Italian (Switzerland) (it) | rm |
373068000 | Nicht bekannt | Undetermined (qualifier value) | Indéterminé | Indeterminato | Nunenconuschent |
105568001 | Im Gefängnis | In prison (finding) | en prison | in prigione | en praschun |
169449001 | Versuch, schwanger zu werden | Trying to conceive (finding) | tentative de tomber enceinte | tentativo di gravidanza | emprova da vegnir en speranza |
224224003 | Bewohner / Bewohnerinn von Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen | Lives in staffed home (finding) | pensionnaire d'une institution communautaire | persona residente in una struttura collettiva | abitanta u abitant d'instituziuns communablas |
1237572006 | Lebt in Heim für geistig behinderte Menschen | Lives in home for intellectually disabled people (finding) | vit dans un foyer pour personnes vivant avec un handicap mental | vive in una struttura per disabili mentali | viva en ina chasa per persunas cun impediments spiertals |
1255626009 | Kontakt zu Drogenkonsumenten | Has contact with injecting drug user (situation) | contact avec des consommateurs de drogue | contatto con consumatori di stupefacenti | contact cun consuments da drogas |
1342377006 | Kontakt zu Wildvögeln | Has contact with wild bird | contact avec des oiseaux sauvages | contatto con uccelli selvatici | contact cun utschels selvadis |
1342378001 | Kontakt zu Geflügelvögeln | Has contact with poultry bird (situation) | contact avec les oiseaux de volaille | contatto con uccelli da cortile | contact cun utschels da giaglinom |
72281000195108 | Kontakt zu Varizella-Zoster-Risikopatienten | Contact with human alphaherpesvirus 3 risk patient (finding) | contact avec des patients à risque de varicelle-zona | contatto con un paziente a rischio di varicella-zoster | contact cun pazients periclitads da la virola selvadia |
72291000195105 | Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Genf und Tessin | Residence or stay in Switzerland except Geneva and Ticino (finding) | domicile ou séjour en Suisse hors Genève et Tessin | domicilio o soggiorno in Svizzera, esclusi Ginevra e Ticino | lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Genevra e Tessin |
102311000195108 | Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Tessin | Residence or stay in Switzerland except Ticino (finding) | domicile ou séjour en Suisse sauf Tessin | residenza o soggiorno in Svizzera eccezione di Ticino | lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Tessin |
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "ch-vacd-risks-social-vs",
"meta" : {
"profile" : [
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ValueSet ch-vacd-risks-social-vs</b></p><a name=\"ch-vacd-risks-social-vs\"> </a><a name=\"hcch-vacd-risks-social-vs\"> </a><a name=\"ch-vacd-risks-social-vs-en-US\"> </a><p>This value set includes codes based on the following rules:</p><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"\"><code></code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">373068000</a></td><td>Undetermined (qualifier value)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">105568001</a></td><td>In prison (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">169449001</a></td><td>Trying to conceive (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">224224003</a></td><td>Lives in staffed home (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">1237572006</a></td><td>Lives in home for intellectually disabled people (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">1255626009</a></td><td>Has contact with injecting drug user (situation)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">1342377006</a></td><td>Has contact with wild bird (situation)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">1342378001</a></td><td>Has contact with poultry bird (situation)</td></tr></table></li><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"\"><code></code></a> version <code></code><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">72281000195108</a></td><td>Contact with human alphaherpesvirus 3 risk patient (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">72291000195105</a></td><td>Residence or stay in Switzerland except Geneva and Ticino (finding)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">102311000195108</a></td><td>Residence or stay in Switzerland except Ticino (finding)</td></tr></table></li></ul><p><b>Additional Language Displays</b></p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Deutsch (Schweiz) (German (Switzerland), de)</b></td><td><b>English (United States) (English (United States), en)</b></td><td><b>French (Switzerland) (fr)</b></td><td><b>Italian (Switzerland) (it)</b></td><td><b>rm</b></td></tr><tr><td>373068000</td><td>Nicht bekannt</td><td>Undetermined (qualifier value)</td><td>Indéterminé</td><td>Indeterminato</td><td>Nunenconuschent</td></tr><tr><td>105568001</td><td>Im Gefängnis</td><td>In prison (finding)</td><td>en prison</td><td>in prigione</td><td>en praschun</td></tr><tr><td>169449001</td><td>Versuch, schwanger zu werden</td><td>Trying to conceive (finding)</td><td>tentative de tomber enceinte</td><td>tentativo di gravidanza</td><td>emprova da vegnir en speranza</td></tr><tr><td>224224003</td><td>Bewohner / Bewohnerinn von Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen</td><td>Lives in staffed home (finding)</td><td>pensionnaire d'une institution communautaire</td><td>persona residente in una struttura collettiva</td><td>abitanta u abitant d'instituziuns communablas</td></tr><tr><td>1237572006</td><td>Lebt in Heim für geistig behinderte Menschen</td><td>Lives in home for intellectually disabled people (finding)</td><td>vit dans un foyer pour personnes vivant avec un handicap mental</td><td>vive in una struttura per disabili mentali</td><td>viva en ina chasa per persunas cun impediments spiertals</td></tr><tr><td>1255626009</td><td>Kontakt zu Drogenkonsumenten</td><td>Has contact with injecting drug user (situation)</td><td>contact avec des consommateurs de drogue</td><td>contatto con consumatori di stupefacenti</td><td>contact cun consuments da drogas</td></tr><tr><td>1342377006</td><td>Kontakt zu Wildvögeln</td><td>Has contact with wild bird</td><td>contact avec des oiseaux sauvages</td><td>contatto con uccelli selvatici</td><td>contact cun utschels selvadis</td></tr><tr><td>1342378001</td><td>Kontakt zu Geflügelvögeln</td><td>Has contact with poultry bird (situation)</td><td>contact avec les oiseaux de volaille</td><td>contatto con uccelli da cortile</td><td>contact cun utschels da giaglinom</td></tr><tr><td>72281000195108</td><td>Kontakt zu Varizella-Zoster-Risikopatienten</td><td>Contact with human alphaherpesvirus 3 risk patient (finding)</td><td>contact avec des patients à risque de varicelle-zona</td><td>contatto con un paziente a rischio di varicella-zoster</td><td>contact cun pazients periclitads da la virola selvadia</td></tr><tr><td>72291000195105</td><td>Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Genf und Tessin</td><td>Residence or stay in Switzerland except Geneva and Ticino (finding)</td><td>domicile ou séjour en Suisse hors Genève et Tessin</td><td>domicilio o soggiorno in Svizzera, esclusi Ginevra e Ticino</td><td>lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Genevra e Tessin</td></tr><tr><td>102311000195108</td><td>Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Tessin</td><td>Residence or stay in Switzerland except Ticino (finding)</td><td>domicile ou séjour en Suisse sauf Tessin</td><td>residenza o soggiorno in Svizzera eccezione di Ticino</td><td>lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Tessin</td></tr></table></div>"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valuePeriod" : {
"start" : "2021-01-24T00:00:00+01:00"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : [
"use" : "official",
"system" : "",
"value" : "ch-vacd-risks-social-vs"
"version" : "6.0.0-ballot-ci-build",
"name" : "SwissSocialRisksForImmunizations",
"title" : "Swiss Social Risks For Immunizations",
"status" : "active",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2024-12-18T10:28:46+00:00",
"publisher" : "HL7 Switzerland",
"contact" : [
"name" : "HL7 Switzerland",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"description" : "The social exposition risks used in Switzerland.",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "CHE"
"copyright" : "CC0-1.0",
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"concept" : [
"code" : "373068000",
"display" : "Undetermined (qualifier value)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Nicht bekannt"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Indéterminé"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Indeterminato"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Nunenconuschent"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Undetermined (qualifier value)"
"code" : "105568001",
"display" : "In prison (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Im Gefängnis"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "en prison"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "in prigione"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "en praschun"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "In prison (finding)"
"code" : "169449001",
"display" : "Trying to conceive (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Versuch, schwanger zu werden"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "tentative de tomber enceinte"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "tentativo di gravidanza"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "emprova da vegnir en speranza"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Trying to conceive (finding)"
"code" : "224224003",
"display" : "Lives in staffed home (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Bewohner / Bewohnerinn von Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "pensionnaire d'une institution communautaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "persona residente in una struttura collettiva"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "abitanta u abitant d'instituziuns communablas"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Lives in staffed home (finding)"
"code" : "1237572006",
"display" : "Lives in home for intellectually disabled people (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Lebt in Heim für geistig behinderte Menschen"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "vit dans un foyer pour personnes vivant avec un handicap mental"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "vive in una struttura per disabili mentali"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "viva en ina chasa per persunas cun impediments spiertals"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Lives in home for intellectually disabled people (finding)"
"code" : "1255626009",
"display" : "Has contact with injecting drug user (situation)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Kontakt zu Drogenkonsumenten"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "contact avec des consommateurs de drogue"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "contatto con consumatori di stupefacenti"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "contact cun consuments da drogas"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Has contact with injecting drug user (situation)"
"code" : "1342377006",
"display" : "Has contact with wild bird (situation)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Kontakt zu Wildvögeln"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "contact avec des oiseaux sauvages"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "contatto con uccelli selvatici"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "contact cun utschels selvadis"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Has contact with wild bird"
"code" : "1342378001",
"display" : "Has contact with poultry bird (situation)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Kontakt zu Geflügelvögeln"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "contact avec les oiseaux de volaille"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "contatto con uccelli da cortile"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "contact cun utschels da giaglinom"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Has contact with poultry bird (situation)"
"system" : "",
"version" : "",
"concept" : [
"code" : "72281000195108",
"display" : "Contact with human alphaherpesvirus 3 risk patient (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Kontakt zu Varizella-Zoster-Risikopatienten"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "contact avec des patients à risque de varicelle-zona"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "contatto con un paziente a rischio di varicella-zoster"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "contact cun pazients periclitads da la virola selvadia"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Contact with human alphaherpesvirus 3 risk patient (finding)"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueBoolean" : true
"code" : "72291000195105",
"display" : "Residence or stay in Switzerland except Geneva and Ticino (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Genf und Tessin"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "domicile ou séjour en Suisse hors Genève et Tessin"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "domicilio o soggiorno in Svizzera, esclusi Ginevra e Ticino"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Genevra e Tessin"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Residence or stay in Switzerland except Geneva and Ticino (finding)"
"code" : "102311000195108",
"display" : "Residence or stay in Switzerland except Ticino (finding)",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Wohnort oder Aufenthalt in Schweiz ausser Tessin"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "domicile ou séjour en Suisse sauf Tessin"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "residenza o soggiorno in Svizzera eccezione di Ticino"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "lieu da domicil u da dimora en Svizra senza Tessin"
"language" : "en-US",
"value" : "Residence or stay in Switzerland except Ticino (finding)"
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.